John Caldwell - who I am and what I do
If you are having problems with producing your CITES annual report, or struggling to make sense of CITES trade data, I may be able to help.
I have worked at UNEP-WCMC as CITES Trade Database Manager for more than 27 years and have amassed a vast amount of knowledge on the subject of CITES wildlife trade. I am well-known to the CITES Secretariat and many CITES Management and Scientific Authorities for my ability to track down and solve problems relating to reporting trade in wildlife. I was also responsible for running the CITES ivory database in the late 1980s and the CITES caviar trade database since 2007.
I have produced many reports on the crocodilian skin and meat industry, CITES quota compliance, trade in Appendix-I specimens, the effect of the European Community ban on wild bird imports, etc. I am currently vice-Chairman for Trade Monitoring of the IUCN/SSC Crocodile Specialist Group.
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